+64 (0)21 2740289
162 Annett Road, Kumeu, Auckland
Business people happy with their outsourcing decision

Is Outsourcing right for your business?

There are many different aspects and considerations when running a business, many of which take you away from the core reason why you got into business in the first place.  If you find you are spending precious time and energy on tasks that take you away from what you want or need to be doing, you may wish to consider outsourcing.


Why Outsource?

  • Financial

Outsourcing time-consuming tasks to a service provider who can perform those tasks more efficiently than yourself can actually save you money in the long run. When you factor in the lost opportunity to earn while your business is completing those tasks it often makes more financial sense to outsource. For example, consider a task that usually takes you 6 hours to complete, what if that same task could be completed in just 3 hours by an experienced professional?  Yes, you need to pay for that 3 hours but can you earn more in the 6 hours you have freed up to make that worthwhile?

  • Workforce

Many small businesses run on minimal staff. If you lack the manpower to get essential tasks completed, outsourcing is a great way to fill the gap without needing to commit to another permanent staff member. This is especially true when considering temporary or inconsistent tasks.

  • Time

Time is one of the most valuable resources you have as a small business owner. Outsourcing can free up your time so you can focus on the more important tasks within your business. Often service providers can provide the service you require quicker than you would be able to do it in-house.

  • Sanity

We all have our preferences when it comes to how we spend our time. Outsourcing can allow you to pass on tasks that frustrate you so you can spend more time doing the things you love.

  • Increase Strategic Reach

Outsourcing can give you access to networks or customers that you may not be able to access on your own.

  • Risk Reduction

Outsourcing can shift legal or technical risk from your business across to the service provider.


Choosing a partner to outsource to

All service providers are not created equal and there are some important aspects to consider when you are considering outsourcing

  • Expertise and Reputation

Do they know what they are doing? Checking credentials and how many years of experience the provider has working with similar businesses to yours can give you some peace of mind. Checking reviews and case studies will offer insight into what the service provider is like to work with and where their strengths lie. You may also wish to speak directly to an existing client or two in order to get a good feel for what to expect.

  • Pricing

How much and how often does the service provider charge?  If your business has a consistent workload and steady income then a subscription model or retainer may work for you, allowing you to have certainty over how much outsourcing will cost each month. If like most small businesses, your workload fluctuates week to week or month to month it often makes more financial sense to “pay as you go” and only engage the services when you need them.

  • Approach and Values

A good provider will act as an extension of your business and be invested in your goals and values. If they are customer-facing, they should represent your company to the same standard as you would. Again, reviews can be helpful here to determine if they are the right fit for you. Also, consider what their communication and support are like and what will happen if a problem does arise.


Spectrum Accounting has over 40 years of experience providing bookkeeping services to small and medium enterprise and self-employed contractors like Paula Apparel 2020 Limited. We know what we are doing, and we do it well. If you are considering outsourcing your bookkeeping, get in touch with us today.

Pro Pour Concrete Pumps Concrete Boom pump

Customer Story: Pro Pour Concrete Systems Limited

Owned and managed by Dan Vessey, Pro Pour Concrete Pumps provide a concrete pumping service using a concrete boom pump. The truck mounted hydraulic pump transfers liquid concrete through a series of hydraulic powered articulating arms and pipes to locations that a standard concrete truck can’t easily access.  Dan and Pro Pour Concrete Pumps have a reputation in the commercial concrete industry for being experienced and knowledgeable with well-maintained equipment. Dan prides himself on clear and effective communication, a crucial skill when working in fast paced and potentially hazardous commercial construction sites.


Playing to his strengths

When he set up Pro Pour Concrete Pumps, Dan was aware that accounting was not his strongest skill and planned from the start to find a reliable accountancy service provider who would be persistent, structured and ensure the financial side of his business was run the right way. He was looking specifically for a professional with experience in small New Zealand businesses who was engaged and genuine. Dan found Diane and Spectrum Accounting through a mutual personal contact and hasn’t looked back.

“What I have found with Spectrum Accounting is that I sleep better. I think more clearly and I can plan better. There is a whole section of stress removed from my day-to-day now that I have Diane and Jacquie helping me with my books and planning”


The Spectrum Accounting difference

When Spectrum Accounting started working with Dan and Pro Pour Concrete Pumps the first thing they did was to strip everything back and rebuild Dan’s financial structure and processes to ensure every element was as clear and easy to maintain as possible. Dan has been impressed by their industry experience, knowledge, structure, planning and exceptional communication.

“Spectrum Accounting work with an approach that is catered to the needs of my business. If there is anything that needs urgent attention, they are right there to alert me and help me sort it out. From transaction reconciling to extensive statistics and data collection to form an overview of financial health and performance – they have me covered, and I am very appreciative.”


Spectrum Accounting assist Pro Pour Concrete Pumps with:

  • Tax compliance and GST preparation
  • Day-to-day bookkeeping
  • Financial planning
  • Regular reports


“I feel as if I am their only client in the manner they work with me, I feel like my business is focused on, never forgotten or put to the bottom of the list like larger accountancy groups.”


If you need some help getting your books in order, talk to Spectrum Accounting today.

Customer Story: Edith Amituanai Artist

Acclaimed photographer and Arts Educator Edith Amituanai has been described by fellow photographer Haruhiko Saemshima as a “catalyst bringing art into communities and communities into art”. Her contemporary photography has won multiple awards including the Marti Friedlander Photographic Award 2007, the Trust Waikato National Contemporary Art Award and the Martin Hughes Contemporary Pacific Art Award.

Located in Auckland, New Zealand, much of Edith’s photography focuses on her local community and in particular the Pasifika community of which she is part of. Her work has been featured in many exhibitions around New Zealand and in 2018 she created a book Keep On Kimi Ora in collaboration with Kimi Ora Primary School in Flaxmere, New Zealand.

Art and Accounts

Like many artists, Edith’s business income comes from multiple sources and can be sporadic. She found herself with a growing business, needing help understanding both her financial position and her tax and GST obligations. She also wanted to develop long term financial systems and to prepare her accounts so she could apply for a home loan.

The importance of understanding

When looking for an accountancy partner, it was important to Edith to work with someone who understood artists and knew how to make them comfortable with their finances. Fellow artist, Nikau Hindin recommended that Edith talk to Diane and Spectrum Accounting who had first-hand experience working with artists as well as many other self-employed contractors in similar positions.

The Spectrum Accounting Experience

Diane and the team from Spectrum Accounting began working with Edith soon after. They started by setting up Edith’s accounts in Xero and establishing some financial systems for her business. They helped her meet her tax obligations and prepared her accounts so that she could successfully apply for the home loan she was wanting.

Edith still wanted to be involved in her accounts, so the team from Spectrum Accounting gave her training to understand and utilize Xero and the systems they had put in place.

“I feel very empowered by utilising the systems Spectrum Accounting has built for me.”

Now, Edith completes the parts of her accounts that she is comfortable with, while Diane and her team look after the rest.

“I now have a much clearer understanding of my finances, of how much revenue was made, expenses etc. It’s been life changing!

It means I know what I can say yes and no to, and what I areas I can develop further.”

Edith and her husband also own a rental property and Spectrum Accounting assists to manage the end of year accounts for this property.

Stamp of Approval

Edith has been very happy with the work and support she has received from Spectrum Accounting. She describes the team as prompt and great communicators and readily tells colleagues and friends about them.

“I tell many colleagues, particularly sole traders, about Diane as it has been liberating to know more about my finances, before it was very much guesswork!”

If you want to take the guesswork out of your accounts, talk to Diane and Spectrum Accounting today.


Going self-employed in 2022? Basic accounting terms you need to know

If you have made the big decision to go self-employed in 2022 or still considering your options, here are some basic accounting terms you need to know when operating your business. 
Accounting is the language of business, which communicates the accurate picture of business operations, whether you are a sole trader, operating as a partnership or a company. Financial performance and financial position are the two most essential factors assessed at the end of each specific period, known as reporting period. The financial performance depicts what the business earned or lost, which is calculated through profit and loss, also known as an income statement. In this statement, the revenue (income) is compared with expenses (business spending) to ascertain the profit/loss figures.

Going self-employed in 2022? Accounting terms you need to know

Let’s assume that during last month your business earned an income of $20,000 and incurred $15,000 as an expense, which means that you have earned net income/profit of $5,000. In case of higher expenses than income, the business would be operating at a loss.
The reported amount of profit or loss will determine the direction of the business’ future decisions. If you generate a lower profit or suffer loss, these can be amended by increasing sales volume, increasing per unit sale price, or reducing expenses. It’s best to talk to your accountant and make sure that the amendments are in line with your business, marketing and growth strategies.
The business’s financial position shows how much the business owns in terms of cash, receivables, machinery, plant and vehicles. In accounting, all these items are collectively known as assets. On the other hand, the financial position also tells us how these assets are financed and whether they are purchased from a third-party supplier or invested by the owner in the business. In case if the assets are purchased from a vendor with a future payment commitment, then this will create a liability. All future obligations of the business are known as liabilities, i.e. accounts payable, bank loans, salaries payable, tax payable etc. Sometimes, the owner brings these assets into the business, which are termed as owner’s equity. So we can express this financial position with the following equation, known as the accounting equation.
Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s Equity
Let’s assume the business has three assets, a building costing $40,000, a vehicle $15,000, and cash $20,000, which is borrowed from a local bank. The building and vehicle are brought in by the owner into the business. Keeping in view the above-mentioned figures, the accounting equation of the business will be shown as in the following.
Assets                                                                         = Liabilities       + Owner’s equity
Building Vehicle Cash                = Bank Loan      + Owner Investment
$40,000 $20,000 $20,000           = $20,000           + $60,000
So the total of assets is $80,000, and the total of liabilities and owner’s equity is also the same. In business books, all accounts basically fall under these three categories. If the business is selling goods, then the goods are the assets of the business until they are sold to a customer.
The statement of financial position is also prepared with these three components, assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity. You can observe the position of its business by checking the amount of assets, but he also has to focus on how these assets are financed. If the business is purchasing all its assets on credit, these will increase the amount of liabilities, which will not be a positive indication for any successful business.
In a general sense, it is perceived that accounting and bookkeeping are the same. However, accounting is a vast subject in which also includes financial accounting and management accounting. Bookkeeping is the process of recording financial transactions in the books of accounts, which are further classified into respective accounts. These individual accounts are used to check the financial performance and financial position of the business through the statement of profit & loss and balance sheet.
Accounting might seem like a complex subject for someone going self-employed for the very first time. However, no matter what industry you operate in, at Spectrum Accounting, we act as a partner helping you grow your business. If you ever have any questions, we are here to help. Let’s talk about your new business and make sure you are set for success from the very beginning. Get in touch with us today.